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Hollow phenomenon of insulation board when pasting glass fiber cloth insulation layer

Source:www.scydbx.com      Release date: 2023-02-09
1. The flatness of the base wall cannot meet the requirements.
Hollow phenomenon of insulation board when pasting glass fiber cloth insulation layer
1. The flatness of the base wall cannot meet the requirements.
2. The wall is too dry. When pasting the insulation board, the base layer is not mixed with water. The water content of the wall is too high after the rain, and the insulation board is not pasted until the wall is dry. Because the water content of the wall is too high, the glue sags and the insulation board is hollow.
3. During construction, knocking, clapping and vibrating the board surface will cause the mortar to fall off and lead to the hollowing and virtual sticking of the board surface.